One of my favorite stories in the Jerusalem Bible is that of Tobit and Raguel. An angel in disguise is sent to guard young Raguel on his journey. The angel assures Raguel’s anxious father that “all will be well.” The father believes that Raguel will be given God’s red carpet treatment. Yet at their first stop on the first night of the trip, danger occurs. That first evening the boy and the disguised angel camped beside the Tigris River. The boy had gone down to the river to wash his feet when a great fish leapt out of the water and tried to swallow his foot. The boy gave a shout and the angel said, “Catch the fish, and do not let it go.” After the boy pulled the fish onto the bank the angel said, “Cut it open; take out the gall, heart, and liver and set them aside because they have curative properties” (Tobit 10:2–5, The Jerusalem Bible). Later, the ground fish powder becomes the medicine that cures Raguel’s bride-to-be and father-in-law.I love this story because it reminds me that even though we have guardian angels we are not going to live a challenge-free existence.
Everyone who sets out on a journey, assured in body and soul of God’s good oversight and blessing, is still probably going to have to fight a few fish at some point down the line.
We would do well to realize that the problem that seems to have us in its grip right now is not as big as we are, not there by accident, and has hidden gifts within it we will later value as long as we master it and study its “innards.”
Everyone I know wrestles daily with a fish trying to swallow his or her foot. How do I keep my balance here? How do I gain perspective? How do I pull this fish ashore and cook and eat it in triumph—before it swallows me?
LBJ ~ Live. Breathe. Joy.
Thoughts and Questions
What problem or situation has you by the foot right now?
Are you about to panic and let it pull you under?
When you wrestle it onto the shore, look to see what healing gift lies within its innards.
Remembering that you and God are bigger than any problem you face, why not enjoy the exercise of pulling it ashore?
Spirit of Joy
Creative One, You always seemed to enjoy fishing. Teach me the valuable lessons of fishing and using what’s in my hands to heal and serve. Amen
Consider writing your book with me. Gathering ten participants to join me in February 2025 for the first “Impact Writing” retreat. If you know someone who is considering writing their story or book please share this invitation.